The Nine Mile Run Watershed Association was formed in 2001 to further the initial visioning work of the artist-led Nine Mile Run Greenway Project. The Run and the Valley is the site of one of the largest urban stream restoration projects of the Army Corps of Engineers, completed in 2006. The organization rebranded into Upstream Pittsburgh in 2021 but the Association continues to contruct and manage stormwater management projects throughout the upper watershed communities and speonsors numerous programs around urban waterways, restoration, and educational workshops.
The lower portion of Nine Mile Run is on the surface through Frick Park to the Monongahela River. The sewer that services the upstream municipalities runs through the valley as well and connects to the inteceptor near the mouth of Nine Mile Run in Duck Hollow. ALCOSAN's typical year analysis reveals 65 overflow activations of the M47 Outfall for a total of 507 hours of overflow discharge accounting for 226 million gallons of overflow.