Projects in Negley Run

Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority:

  1. Watershed Implementation Design Plan -- Study of the upper watersheds to prioritize stormwater investments in the PWSA Five year Capital Implementation Plan. Six priority mirosheds to be selected and possibly included in forthcoming PWSA Capital Improvement Plans. Additional status will be provided at the April 2020 Task Force meeting.
  2. Thomas and McPherson -- Partially funded with ALCOSAN GROW program, Phase I construction is scheduled for a 2020 start in conjunction with a Water Main replacement project on McPherson Boulevard. More information available here.
  3. Fleury Way -- A priority stormwater correction project for an alleyway in Homewood troubled by standing water and localized flooding.
  4. Washington Boulevard/Mouth of Negley Run -- Army Corps of Engineers and PWSA engineering a conveyance for collected stormwater that will connect the area below the velodrome to the Allegheny River. The project is currently at 30% design and awaiting further data and input from the RAND Corporation and PennDOT. Background summary provided by PWSA.

City of Pittsburgh

  1. Watershed Restoration Accelerator Project -- Funded by the Rockefeller 100 Resilient Cities Initiative. provides recommendations for interagency collaboration and innovative financing for the restoration of an urban watershed.
  2. Liberty Green at Larimer Park -- The City's newest Park funded in part from a Choice Neighborhood grant from Housing and Urban Development. The Park will include stormwater conveyances and space for River Roots, at the headwaters of the, to be developed, Negley Run Conveyance.
  3. Homewood Field -- A new recreational playing field and public space located between the Busway and the Homewood Carnegie Library. The

Negley Run Watershed Task Force:

  1. Community Well/River Roots -- Water is elemental to all communities and societies. The Community Well, the site where people come together to celebrate water, and bond with neighbors, is a vision expressed in the Living Waters of Larimer project. Its first manifestation will be the River Roots site in Larimer Park, slated for completion in 2020.
  2. Conceptual Community Stormwater Management Strategy -- Otherwise known as the Little Negley Run Conveyance Vision, this report sets forth a strategy for conveying collected rainwater from microsheds within the plateau neighborhoods into the valley and then to the Allegheny River.
  3. A Vision Plan for the Negley Run Watershed -- The critical link to the restoration of the watershed is to enable the rain to reach the Allegheny River. This plan is the result of a community-informed professional workshop to vision what that connection at the base of Washington Boulevard may look like. The Vision has been shared with the engineers working on the mouth of Negley Run engineering described above.
  4. Meadow Street Microshed Concept Plan -- This report envisioned a suite of stormwater infrastructure tools that could be applied within a neighborhood microshed to capture stormwater before it enters the Combined Sewer system and direct it toward the Negley Run Conveyance.
  5. Highland Park One Water Trail Plan -- the western side of the Negley Run Conveyance is Highland Park, with a long history of serving water and recreation to Pittsburghers. The One Water Trail is a proposal for linking these assets with a thematic hiking trail. The trail does not officially exist, but the stories are ther ein the park for those willing to look.

There are additional community-led projects that have been envisioned by Task Force participants. These projects could integrate into a watershed-wide stormwater system with investment and collaboration:

  1. Paulson Valley -- an underutilized ravine that drains directly into the Negley Run valley from Paulson Park. This could be a microshed model for community led downspout disconnects and right-of-way rainwater conveyance with an ecosystem restoration focus.
  2. Chadwick Park -- a municipal park surrounded by lots with urban agriculture potential. The Park and vicinity have been studied by grounded strategies and ALCOSAN's Controlling the Source report.
  3. Enright Court -- East Liberty Development Inc. proposes to convert private courts within this small planned community into green alleyways. The private easements need to be transferred to public ownership before public funds can be applied to its implementation.
  4. Larimer Orchard -- Larimer Consensus Group is combining its Village Green community garden, a soil remediation demonstration project, a nascent fruit tree orchard, and a creative raincatcher community art project into a concentrated urban ag district above the slopes of the Negley Run Valley.
  5. Westinghouse Park Vision Plan -- North Point Breeze Development Corporation is facilitating an updated vision plan for the park with funds provided by the URA's Neighborhood Initiatives program.
  6. Homewood Comprehensive Plan -- The Department of City Planning has prepared a community-informed plan to direct public and private investment in the neighborhood. The Plan will be approved at the next City Planning Commission hearing. It includes provisions for ensuring development addresses stormwater management goa