The Negley Run Watershed Task Force is an interdisciplinary collaboration to engage community, creatives, and professionals in urban ecosystem regeneration. With the City and related agencies, the Task Force will support innovative rainwater stewardship and conveyance strategies. The Task Force’s approach will introduce habitat, (bio)diversity, ecological function, and stormwater stewardship into municipal, agency, and private development plans and programs that may otherwise lack a holistic systems perspective to watershed conservation and management, and CSO and flood control.
Next Meeting: Thursday, October 29, 2020, 6 pm. At this meeting the Task FOrce will kick off its Little Negley Run @ Larimer Park implementation plan development process. This is the RFP for the project as a reminder of its objectives. The agendaa will include an update on other water infrastructure projects including the RAND COrporation's recent released medling report.
Email to to participate. Details will be provided as we approach the week of the event.
Subjects and presentations discussed at past Task Force meetings that are critical to Pittsburgh's developing One Water programs include:
April 2018 -- Eco-art and residencies -- Office of Public Arts joined the Task Force to present ideas for establishing artists residencies in the public domain. This would build on the drivers of artist-led community vision that was captured by the Living Waters of Larimer project.
October 2018 -- Stormwater Ordinance -- Department of City Planning shared the revised and updated stormwater code updated, mandated by Allegheny County's new Act 167 Watershed Plan. The Ordinance was enacted later in the year and set the stage for a more programmatic water program update underway in 2020.
January 2019 -- Flow and Co-Benefit Modelling -- The RAND Corporation introduction the extensive computer modelling it will apply to the Negley Run Watershed using many of the development proposals shared through the Task Force. The report is projected to be completed in June 2020.
October 2019 -- Controlling the Source -- ALCOSAN shared source control concept plans for high-performing areas within Negley Run Watershed. This was a preview of a region-wide study that ALCOSAN is preparing to release in April 2020.
January 2020 -- Watershed Implementation Design Plan -- PWSA introduces the study that will lead to the identification of six community-based microsheds. The study will be discussed at Task Force meetings throughout 2020.
Agendas, presentations and reports are archived and shareable.
Agencies, organizations and companies participating in the Task Force:
- Allegheny Conference on Community Development
- Allegheny Land Trust
- Allegheny Watershed Alliance
- Army Corps of Engineers
- CivicMapper
- Civil & Environmental Consultants
- Dept. of City Planning
- eDesign Dynamics
- ETHOS Collaborative
- EvolveEA
- Grounded Strategies
- HELP Initiative Pittsburgh
- Highland Park Community Council
- Homewood Children’s Village
- Kingsley Association
- Landforce Pittsburgh
- Larimer Consensus Group
- Larimer Green Team
- Lincoln Lemington Community Consensus Group
- ms Consultants
- Nine Mile Run Watershed Association
- North Point Breeze Development Corp.
- Operation Better Block
- PashekMTR
- Penn State Center
- Pennsylvania Dept. of Transportation
- Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy
- Pittsburgh UNITED
- Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority
- RAND Corporation
- Sierra Club
- Three Rivers Wet Weather
- Urban Redevelopment Authority
- Wade Trim