Another of the Green First Plan Priority Watersheds, Soho Run is located between the Downtown and Oakland Business Districts. Soho Run, although piped, starts near Herron Hill and drains the Upper Hill District that surrounds Center Avenue. It then flows through the Uptown before reaching the Monongahela near the Birmingham Bridge. Kennard PArk and the Community Garden at MLK Field present opportunities for managing stormwater and connecting people in this watershed.
ALCOSAN's typical year analysis reveals 58 overflow activations of the M19 Outfall for a total of 238 hours of overflow discharge accounting for 150 million gallons of overflow.
Citizen Participation:
The first meeting of the Soho Run Task Force will be scheduled soon. The Urban Redevelopment Authority and the Department of City Planning are collaborating on an update of the Greater Hill Master Plan. The geographic scope of the Plan includes over 95% of the Soho Run Sewershed. The Soho Run Task Force can contribute water-centric ideas and issues to the Master Plan community engagement process.
Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority is having an online community meeting on May 20th to discuss a stormwater management project for the MArtin Luther King/Warren K. Branch Park. This field and area is just to the west of Kirkpatrick Street in the midst of the sewershed. For more information and to register visit PWSA's Project Page.
A Watershed Walk was held on October 24, 2020 from Kennard Park to the MArtin Luther King Community Garden. The walk included an appreciation that the watershed deserves a new name.
The spring 2021 meetring of the Task Force was via zoom on March 31.
Watershed Walk Notes - Oct. 24, 2020