Four Mile Run is a PWSA Priority Watershed that includes all of Schenley Park and portions of the neighborhoods of Oakland, Squirrel Hill, Greenfield and Hzelwood. The Run currently drains to the ALCOSAN system and overflows into the Monongahela at Outfall M-29, a few hundred feet upstram of the Hot Metal Bridge. The Four Mile Run Project has its own website.
ALCOSAN's typical year analysis reveals 79 overflow activations of the M29 Outfall for a total of 467 hours of overflow discharge accounting for 400 million gallons of overflow.
PWSA is investing in wet weather infrastructure at Wightman Park in the upper portion of the watershed. These waters and sewer flow toward Junction Hollow. The work is in its final stages with active soil and planting work scheduled for June 2022. Updates on the second phase of work is available from PWSA.
Citizen Participation:
The first meeting of the Four Mile Run Task Force was Monday March 23. A Watershed Walk for a section of Four Mile Run was held on October 8, 2020. The spring 2021 meeting of the Task Force was on April 7.